I blog on topics ranging from smart phones to electronic waste for NerdGirls.com. I'm working on highlighting the accomplishments of engineering students and faculty for a major university, and I'm getting involved in a local start-up with a great product.
Successful people love to talk about failure. From Ray Bradbury (“You fail only if you stop”) to Melville (“He who has never failed somewhere… that man can never be great”) and beyond, failure is an old and familiar subject. Oprah talks about her failed stint as a news reporter. Julia Roberts remembers failing to be cast in All My Children. In retrospect, it seems, the famous are all hopelessly nostalgic for the failures of their past. But, in the moment of our own letdown and disappointment, we can convince ourselves that no one else has ever failed quite as exceptionally as we have. So, how to change this paralyzing perception? |